Hall of Fame Honorees & Scholarship Recipients
Updated: 01/16/2025
Year 2025 – Sunday April 13, 2025
The Hall of Fame honorees will be:
- William "Bill" Cole - class of 1966 - Musician & Author
- Sean Curran PhD - class of 1995 - Molecular & Genetic Biochemist
- Carl Michael Devore, MD - class of 1971 - Internist & Gerontologist
- John E. "Jack" Hales* - class of 1960 - Meteorologist, National Weather Service
- Wendell "Bud" Hurlbut* - class of 1936 - Mechanical Engineer, Castle Park designer
- William C. Rempel - class of 1965 - Author, Investigative Journalist

Year 2024 – Sunday April 14, 2024
The Hall of Fame honorees are:
- Ray Girvigian* - class of 1944 - Architect Historic Preservationist
- Mark Gotts - class of 1975 - WHS Faculty 1999-2020
- John Saul - class of 1959 - author of suspense and horror novels
- Julia York Hockett* - class of 1934 - Founder of the Hadley Preschool
- Linda Winzenread - Faculty & fundraiser
The scholarship winners are:
- Class of 1960 Scholarship - Lillian Cervantes
- Ellie Bewley & Genevieve Lescsak Scholarship - Melissa Cuevas
- Classes of 1980 & 1983 Scholarship - Jasmin Gaeta
- DeWitt Scholarship - Isabel Garcia
- Yoshio Nakamura Scholarship - Emma Hartl
- Bill Wood Scholarship - Christopher Hernandez
- Wally Leonard Scholarship - Ernesto Hernandez
- Leta M. Orr Scholarship - David Lecuanda
- James Orr Scholarship - Savannah Lomeli
- Daniel Orr II Scholarship - Michael Lopez
- Class of 1960 John E. Hales Scholarship - Yolanda Mares-Guitierrez
- Deborah Orr Scholarship - Isabel Marin
- Vic Lopez Scholarship - Delaney Martinez
- Robert Algarin Scholarship - Julianna Martinez
- Aaron Morgan Scholarship - Ashlyn Mears
- Freitag Sisters Scholarship- Diana Nguyen
- John L. Peel & Laurie Welsh Peel Scholarship - Fabiola Ramirez
- Woodward Family Scholarship - Sasha Reyna
- Nixon Scholarship - Aliyah Rodriguez
- Lt. Daniel L. Orr Scholarship - Julian Salazar
- Aaron Morgan Scholarship - Destiny Thomas
- Ann & Susan Garrett Scholarship - Percy Vega
- Ivania Soto Scholarship - Bryanna Vivas

Year 2023 – Sunday April 23, 2023
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Judge Merton Wray* - class of 1929
- Dr. Judith Hendrixson Henderson - class of 1958
- Michael McDonough - class of 1970
- Robert 'Bo' Henke - class of 1970
- Dr. Christina Marino* - class of 1971
- Paul Pfanner - class of 1972
The scholarship winners were:
Valeria Arnao - Ann & Sue Garrett Scholarship
Kiara Barillas – Vanderwall Family Scholarship
Henry Benitez Jr. - Lt. Daniel Orr Scholarship
Nevaeh Cedano – Laurie Welsh Peel & John Peel Scholarship
Ciara Escobedo - Class of 1960 Scholarship
Daniela Flores - Ellie Bewley and Genevieve Lescsak Scholarship
Mia Gil De Montes - Dan Orr II Scholarship
Mariana Zuniga-Gomez - Woodward Family Scholarship
Trenton Gunderson - Vic Lopez Scholarship
Ariel Gutierrez - Class of 1971 Scholarship
Breanna Hernandez - Aaron Morgan Scholarship
Julyana Jimenez - Robert Algarin Scholarship
Adria Marin - Yoshio Nakamura Scholarship
Sophia Martinez - Dr. Ivania Soto Scholarship
Bobby Orozco III - Deborah Orr Scholarship
Frank Padilla - Leta M. Orr Scholarship
Ena Pejovski - Bill Wood Scholarship
Paulina Pelayo – Wally Leonard Scholarship
Kaya Reyes - John Lasseter Scholarship
Lily Sarkissian - Freitag Sisters Scholarship
Amaris Ultreras - Aaron Morgan Scholarship
Jayleen Venegas - James Orr Scholarship

Year 2022 – Sunday April 24, 2022 – in the Aud.
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Robert Pierpoint* – class of 1943 – an American Broadcast Journalist
- Mary V. Orozco* – class of 1946 – First Latina admitted to the CA Bar
- Ray Williams* – class of 1951 – Rio Hondo College professor
- David Ashleigh – class of 1961 – Water Polo Olympian
- Daniel Orr – class of 1968 – Oral Maxillo Facial Surgeon, Lawyer, etc.
- Cherylyn Lavagnino – class of 1969 – New York Dance Studio
- Wendy Alane Adams – class of 179 – Rise Up Foundation
Scholarship winners:
- Lia Cornejo - Freitag Sisters Scholarship
- Joanne Cosina - Wendy Adams Scholarship
- Steven Curfman - Class of 1960 Scholarship
- Jacob Diaz - Aaron Morgan Scholarship
- Zoe Espinal - Bewley-Lescsak Scholarship
- Payton Gomez - Yosh Nakamura Scholarship
- Payton Gomez - Yosh Nakamura Scholarship
- Ashley Gonzales - Alumni Assn. Scholarship
- Adriana Hernandez - Vanderwall Family Scholarship
- Mary Lusinyan - Alumni Assn. Scholarship
- Tabitha Mariscal - Robert Algarin Scholarship
- Gershwin Mason - Woodward Family Scholarship
- Alani Morales - Richard Nixon Scholarship
- Noah Reber - Alumni Assn. Scholarship
- Sophia Reyna - Aaron Morgan Scholarship
- Sophia Rodriguez – Welsh/Peel Scholarship
- Samantha Silva - WHSAAEF $3,000 Scholarship
- Vincent Silva - Vic Lopez Scholarship
- Carolina Tarango - Ivannia Soto Scholarship
- Geoffrey Toribio - Aaron Morgan Scholarship
- Teresa Velasco - John Lasseter Scholarship

Year 2020-2021 - Virtual Event
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Ben Chu - Faculty 1966-2004
- Arvle Dedmon (deceased) - class of 1938
- Eleanor Bewley - class of 1965
- Cindy Oeh Barbee - class of 1973
- Colette Marcellin - class of 1977
- Thomas J. O'Hare - class of 1980
Scholarship winners:
- Alexandra Anguiano – Welsh-Peel Scholarship
- Evelyn Barajas – John Lasseter Scholarship
- Kiana Carbajal – Richard Nixon Scholarship
- Ruby Fernandez - $1,000 Alumni Board Scholarship
- Adan Garcia – Jenkin’s Scholarship
- John Krikorian - $1,000 Alumni Board Scholarship
- Georgette Lopez – Wally Leonard Scholarship
- Jack Luquin - $1,000 Alumni Board Scholarship
- Cynthia Marin - $1,000 Alumni Board Scholarship
- Chrisitan Miranda – Ivannia Soto Scholarship
- Breanna Padilla - $1,000 Alumni Board Scholarship
- Jaclyn Padilla - $1,000 Alumni Board Scholarship
- Mariana Patino - $1,000 Alumni Board Scholarship
- Ashley Pedraza – Freitag Sisters Scholarship
- Ashley Perdomo - $3,000 WHS Alumni Scholarship
- Jazillyn Perez – Bewley-Lescsak Scholarship
- Kaili Reyes – Vanderwall Scholarship
- Elizabeth Rodriguez - $1,000 Alumni Board Scholarship
- Jose Rodriguez – Vic Lopez Scholarship
- Alejandra Santiago – Marcellin Family Scholarship.

Year 2020 - Sunday April 19, 2020
The Hall of Fame honorees are:
- Ben Chu - Faculty 1966-2004
- Arvle Dedmon (deceased) - class of 1938
- Eleanor Bewley - class of 1965
- Cindy Oeh Barbee - class of 1973
- Colette Marcellin - class of 1977
- Thomas J. O'Hare - class of 1980
Scholarship winners:
- Joseph Ancich
- Angelica Blodgett
- Julia Casas
- Layla Chapeta
- Lee Chu
- Lauren Garibay
- Andres Hernandez
- Laura-Elena Mayorga
- Jose Luis Miguel-Hernandez
- Citlalli Miranda
- Hena Sheikh
- Meghan Uyeda
- Johana Vasquez

Year 2019 - Sunday May 5, 2019
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- 1960 CIF Championship Baseball Team
- George Buehler - class of 1965
- Stephen Lee Anderson - class of 1970
- Jeffrey Hathaway - class of 1970
- Vernon Kifer (deceased) - class of 1972
- Leanne Rouch Ely - class of 1976
Scholarship winners:
Alexia Balderas - Lasseter Scholarship
Anais Hernandez - Freitag Sisters Scholarship
Michelle Marin - Jenkins Scholarship
Miguel Mena - Lopez Scholarship
Natalie Orozco -
Arianno Rivas - Nixon Scholarship
Ava Sanchez - $2,000 Alumni Scholarship
Nadia Sanchez - Vanderwall Scholarship
Jasmine Sheikh -
Joshua Soto -
Christian Tafolla -
Nicholas Viramontes - Welsh-Peel Scholarship

Year 2018
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Donald Green – 1967
- Jay Daversa – 1962
- Catherine Freitag Clarke, PhD – 1975
- Nancy E. Freitag, PhD – 1980
- Allan Trefry (deceased) – Faculty 1955-1975
Scholarship winners:
Seth Aguilar – Donna Ferguson Scholarship
Mia Aguilar – Freitag Sisters Scholarship
Analaura Amezquita – $2,000 Alumni Scholarship
Annika Ancich – Patricia Nixon Scholarship
Sophia Casas – Maxine Milner Rich Scholarship
Renee Chavez – Jenkins Family Scholarship
Kelela Gonzalez – Class of 1967 Scholarship
Alexis Hernandez – Vanderwall Family Scholarship
Nicolas Mijarez – Vic Lopez Scholarship
Yasmin Munoz – Richard Nixon Scholarship
Sarah Romero – General Alumni Scholarship
Olive Williamson – John Lasseter Scholarship

Year 2017
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Fremont “Monte” Wicker – 1934
- Marjorie Moon Garrison – 1948
- Milton Schroth – 1951
- Kevin Hussey – 1973
- Genevieve Lescsak – Faculty
Scholarship winners:
- Adrian Escareno – $1,000 Richard Nixon
- Carina Lopez – $1,000 Patricia Nixon
- Dylan Salcido – $1,000 Vic Lopez
- Sophia Sousa – $1,000 Maxine Milner Rich
- Stephanie Gotts – $1,000 Donna Ferguson
- Erendira Gil-Juarez – $1,000 Class of 1955
- Savanah Lomeli – $1,000 class of 1949 in honor of Marjorie Johana Moon Garrison
- Jisel Miranda – $1,000 1960 CIF Championship Baseball Team
- Alyssa Betancourt – $1,000 Jerry Morgan
- Madison Gutierrez – $1,000 Alumni
- Destiny Montoya – $1,000 Alumni
- Florencia Valenzuela – $2,000 Alumni

Year 2016

Hall of Fame Inductees were:
- Heber Holloway, Faculty and WUHSD Superintendent 1933-1969 (in memoriam)
- Steve Saleen, Class of 1967
- Ivannia Soto-Hinman, PhD, Class of 1994
- Marc Bermudez, Faculty 1965-2001
- John Lasseter, Class of 1975
Scholarship Winners

- Alyssa Saldana – $1,000 Donna Ferguson Scholarship
- Alyssa Gutierrez – $1,000 1960 Baseball Team Scholarship
- Cynthia Martinez – $1,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Bryan Martinez – $1,000 Vic Lopez Scholarship
- Mark Rojas – $1,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Brenda Dorantes – $1,000 Nohemi Gonzalez Scholarship
- Yulissa Serratos – $1,000 Patricia Nixon Scholarship
- Pavle Pejovski – $2,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Meghan Keneally – $1,000 Maxine Milner Rich Scholarship
- Matteo Munoz – $1,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Kaitlin Terry – $1,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Andrea Pelayo – $1,000 Richard Nixon Scholarship
Thank you to our generous “Dinner Sponsor” donors:
- The Heber Holloway Family – $2500
Class of 1948 honoring Heber Holloway:
Johana Moon Brown
Richard Lantz
Dorine Lantz
Jim Lantz

Year 2015

The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Frank Poucher – Class of 1943 & Faculty 1952 – 1985
- John Leffler – Class of 1949
- Stan Cole – Class of 1963
- Patty Caretto Brown – Class of 1969
- Yosh Nakamura – Faculty 1952 – 1963
- 1948 CIF Championship Basketball Team

Scholarship winners:
- Natasha Nerenberg – $1,000 Richard Nixon Scholarship
- Adriana Bustamante – $1,000 Patricia Nixon Scholarship
- Kashika Singh – $1,000 Don Kelly Scholarship
- Victoria Casas – $1,000 Maxine Milner Rich Scholarship
- Avery Martinez – $1,000 Cardinal Spirit / Donna Rich Ferguson Scholarship
- Alberto Estrada -$1,000 Vic Lopez Scholarship
- Brian Ochoa – $1,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Eduardo Bernal – $1,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Vivianne Gerges- $1,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Ileana Martinez – $1,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Griselle De La Vega – $1,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Michael Ontiveros – $2,000 Alumni Scholarship

Year 2014
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Glenn Allison, class of 1948
- Clark Brundin, class of 1948
- Lori Peel Eshilian, class of 1972
- Alfred Gobar, class of 1949
- Carol Bennett, class of 1972
- William House, class of 1941, in memoriam
- Carol Tenopir, class of 1970
Scholarship winners:
- Ruben Rodriguez-$2,000 Alumni Scholarship
- Adrian Delgado-Vic Lopez Scholarship
- Lydia Gil-Patricia Nixon Scholarship
- Carlos Flores-Richard Nixon Scholarship
- Katherine Winans-Maxine Milner Rich Cardinal Spirit Award
- Matthew Oliver-Henry Kiliniski Scholarship
- Aaron Peretz, Camilla Salas, Daniel Rivea, Jasmine Hernandez, Kimberly Arreola, Samantha Lopez-Alumni Scholarships

Year 2013
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- OC Albertson – 1st Principal 1908-1930
- Mitzi Reichling Anderson – Class of 1947
- Bob Horn – Class of 1950
- Bob Henderson – Class of 1958
- Joe Vinatieri – Class of 1970
Scholarship winners:
- Ganeev Singh – Alumni $2000
- Tannah Hess – Richard Nixon $1000
- Isabel Gil – Patricia Nixon $1000
- Brenda Salazar – Henry J Kilinski $1000
- Philip Yun – Maxine Milner Rich $1000
- Ivan Salazar – Vic Lopez $1000
- Jeremiah Gotts – Gus Velasco Memorial $1000
- Sean Lee – Mitzi Reichling Anderson $1000
- Mayra Luna – Alumni $1000
- Isabel Serrano – Alumni $1000
- Alyssa Ruiz – Alumni $1000
- Joseph Rosales – Alumni $1000

Year 2012
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Dr. Breene Murphy – Class of 1942
- Patricia Hofstetter – Class of 1944
- Marilyn Hofstetter – Class of 1945
- Dr. Rick Herold – Class of 1951
- Gus Velasco – Class of 1958 *
- Dr. Steve Gothold – Class of 1959 – Founder of Chorale Bel Canto
- David Owens – Class of 1973
Scholarships for graduating Seniors Class of 2012 were awarded to Sergio Perez, Andres Garcia, Christianne Pantoja, Marcos Gonzalez Jr., Isabel Macias,Wendy Carrillo, David Acevedo, Yazmin Acosta, Andrew Armendaris, Alejandra Gonzalez, Monica Negrete, & Giuliana Regina.

Year 2011
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Clifford Jordan* – Class of 1935 – Started Mentor Teacher Program for California
- Don Kracke – Class of 1949
- Carlos Rodriguez – Class of 1955 – retired Judge and consultant, has introduced past inductee
- James Milliken – Class of 1961 – retired Judge, founded San Pasqual Academy in San Diego, advocate for Foster Care reform
- Danny Romero – Class of 1972 – Weathercaster ABC 7, cancer survivor, advocate for Youth and Children programs
- Marian Wilson Hodge* – staff – First Woman Superintendent in CA (1941- WUHSD), founder of Hodge Foundation that supports Whittier Public Library book purchases.
Scholarships for graduating Seniors Class of 2011 were awarded to the Nixon Scholars (Julian Herrera, Andrea Barrera, Veronica Heap), Alumni Association Scholarship (Courtney Mears, Gregory Lum, Anna Arzuyan, Bobbi Marie Mendoza, Jessica Llerenas, and Cindy Ontiveros), The Vic Lopez Scholarship (George Hernandez), the Maxine Milner Rich Cardinal Spirit Award (Lauren Garcia), the Henry J. Kilinski Memorial “Believe It & Achieve It” Scholarship (Belin Hernandez), Special Drafting Scholarship (Taylor Froehlich), & Teachers of the Year (Stephanie Hoffman, Alexa Nisbet & Vanessa Stewart).

Year 2010
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Roderick M. Hills – Class of 1948
- Louise McMillan Kempf – Class of 1954
- George Mattias – Class of 1948
- Richard “Dick” Owens – Class of 1949
- Louise Johnson Pascale – Class of 1960
Scholarships for graduating Seniors Class of 2010 were awarded to Nixon Scholars Meghan Jimenez & Teresa Jimenez; Alumni Association Scholarship to Keola Lorenzo; The Vic Lopez Scholarship to Jessica Martin; the Maxine Milner Rich Cardinal Spirit award to Samantha Rodriguez; & the Henry J. Kilinski Memorial “Believe It & Achieve It” Scholarship to Seth Gruber. Teacher of the Year – the WHS Performing Arts Department: Ms. Catherine Brunel-Drama, Mr. Jesse Meza-Band, Mr.Aaron Morgan-Auditorium Technical Director, were also honored.

Year 2009
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Tom August – Class of 1945
- Cathie Moon Brown – Class of 1949
- William C. Gordon – Class of 1955
- Richard Pickup – Class of 1951
- Sandra Sanchez Thorstenson – Class of 1973
Scholarships for graduating Seniors Class of 2009 were awarded to Nixon Scholars Christina Campodonico & Vanessa Samaniego; Alumni Association Scholarship to Laura Medina; The Vic Lopez Scholarship to Eduardo Anaya; the Maxine Milner Rich Cardinal Spirit award to Michael Lotspeich; & the Henry Kilinski Memorial “Believe It & Achieve It” Scholarship to Isela Luna. Teacher of the Year – the WHS Counselors: Mrs. Reina Shebesta, Mrs. Lou Munioz, Mrs. Roxanna Kharaud, Mrs. Nancy Velasco, Mrs. Brooke Bixler & Mr. Matthew Tremper were also honored.

Year 2008
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- David O. Butler – Class of 1962
- Stuart Gothold – Class of 1952
- Tom Phelan* – Class of 1924 (Posthumously)
- Robert Ponce* – Class of 1946
- Morris & Lorraine McPherson Sawyer * – Class of 1958
Scholarships for graduating Seniors Class of 2008 were awarded to Nixon Scholars Stephanie Cuevas & Monette Meier; Alumni Association Scholarship to Sarah Henderson; The Vic Lopez Scholarship to Elizabeth Becerra; the Maxine Milner Rich Cardinal Spirit award to Melissa Romo; & the Henry Kilinski Memorial “Believe It & Achieve It” Scholarship to Jon Shubin. Teacher of the Year Mrs. Maxine Sweeney was also honored.

Year 2007
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Robin Dore – Class of 1967
- Ed Hookstratten – Class of 1948
- Robert Tranquada – Class of 1947
- Donald E. “Bill” Wood – Class of 1941
Scholarships for graduating seniors Class of 2007 were awarded to Nixon Scholars Charles Bennett & Jehan Laner; Alumni Association Scholarship to Edgar Martinez; The Vic Lopez Scholarship to Carlos Quintero; the Maxine Milner Rich Cardinal Spirit award to Joe Maldonado; & the Henry Kilinski Memorial “Believe It & Achieve It” Scholarship to Michael Hudak. Teacher of the Year Mr. Christopher Palas was also honored.

Year 2006
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Don Jenkins, Class of 1949
- Marilyn Magness Carroll, Class of 1971
- Christian Markey, Class of 1947
- Richard Newton*, Class of 1944 (posthumously)
Scholarships for graduating seniors Class of 2006 were awarded to Nixon Scholars Kelleigh Martin & Chrystal Solis; Alumni Association Scholarship to Ching-Ching Wong; The Vic Lopez Scholarship to Fabiola Altamirano; the Maxine Milner Rich Cardinal Spirit award to Rory Todd; & the Henry Kilinski Memorial “Believe It & Achieve It” Scholarship to Victor Facio. The Teacher of the Year Mrs. Cynthia Lara was also honored.

Year 2005
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Richard Deihl
- Brad Hoover – class of 1959
- Jean Godwin Good Lietzau – class of 1946
- Howard* & Gloria Wallace Seelye – class of 1939 & 1944
Scholarships for graduating seniors Class of 2005 were awarded to Nixon Scholars Philip Coleman & Jessica Gonzalez; Alumni Association Scholarship to Carlos Amelco; The Vic Lopez Scholarship to Alyssa Marie Ramos-Chavez; the Maxine Milner Rich Cardinal Spirit award to Kimberly Pellissier; & the Henry Kilinski Memorial “Believe It & Achieve It” Scholarship to Elio Garcia. The Teacher of the Year Mrs. Martha Arrona was also honored.

Year 2004
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Joan Meister, Class of 1960
- Homer Rosenberger*
- Don Kelly *
- Jack Mele, Principal
- Seabron Nolin, Principal *
- 1964 CIF Championship Football Team
The Teacher of the Year Mr. David Rice was also honored.

Year 2003
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Dolores Lautrup Ball*
- Brian Beck
- Glen Kelly*
- Joan McNeilly Nay
The Teacher of the Year Mrs. Nancy Slayton was also honored.

Year 2002
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- John Arrambide*
- Bob Chandler*
- Myron Claxton*
- Patricia Reilly Hitt*
- Hubert Perry
The Teacher of the Year Mrs. Judy Turner was also honored.

Year 2001
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Vic* & Jan Slater Lopez
- Maxine Milner Rich*
The Teachers of the Year Mr. Marc Bermudez and Mrs. Lorraine McPherson Sawyer – ’58 were also honored.

Year 2000
The Hall of Fame honorees were:
- Richard & Pat Nixon*